buffer sizing methods
Sizing CC/BM buffers: The adaptive procedure with resource tightness
Submitted by Mario Vanhoucke on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 08:45Sizing CC/BM buffers: The root squared error method
Submitted by Mario Vanhoucke on Tue, 04/17/2012 - 08:06The Critical Chain/Buffer Management (CC/BM) approach uses project and feeding buffers to add safety time to the project baseline schedule and to guarantee the timely completion of the project with a high probability. Buffers are sized according to the properties of the path or chain feeding those buffers, such as the length of the path, its total variance or the number of activities it contains. This article describes the Root Squared Error Method (RSEM) to determine the size of the project and feeding buffers and is based on the predefined uncertainty of the activity durations of the chain merging in the buffer.
Sizing CC/BM buffers: The cut and paste method
Submitted by Mario Vanhoucke on Thu, 03/01/2012 - 16:11The Critical Chain/Buffer Management (CC/BM) approach uses project and feeding buffers to add safety time to the project baseline schedule and to guarantee the timely completion of the project with a high probability. Buffers are sized according to the properties of the path or chain feeding those buffers, such as the length of the path, its total variance or the number of activities it contains. This article describes the cut and paste method, which is probably the simplest method to determine the size of the project and feeding buffers and is solely based on the activity duration of the chain merging in the buffer.
Critical Chain/Buffer Management: Sizing project and feeding buffers
Submitted by Mario Vanhoucke on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 17:15The Critical Chain/Buffer Management (CC/BM) approach uses project and feeding buffers to add safety time to the project baseline schedule and to guarantee the timely completion of the project with a high probability. Buffers are sized according to the properties of the path or chain feeding those buffers, such as the length of the path, its total variance, its average resource use or the number of activities it contains. In this article, a non-exhaustive overview of buffer sizing methods is given. Moreover, an example project is given in figure 1 which is based on other CC/BM articles and which will be used to illustrate the different buffer sizing methods in detail in other articles.
Sizing CC/BM buffers: The adaptive procedure with density
Submitted by Mario Vanhoucke on Wed, 01/11/2012 - 16:45The Critical Chain/Buffer Management (CC/BM) approach uses project and feeding buffers to add safety time to the project baseline schedule and to guarantee the timely completion of the project with a high probability. Buffers are sized according to the properties of the path or chain feeding those buffers, such as the length of the path, its total variance or the number of activities it contains. This article describes the adaptive procedure with density method, in which the size of the buffers is based on the structure of the subnetwork that feeds into buffer.
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